Friday, April 25, 2008

Am I walking worthy?

"That ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto His kingdom and glory."

I Thess. 2: 12

Have you ever had one of your good friends start dating someone and think to yourself, "What IS she thinking??!! She deserves such a better guy than That!!" My dear friends, what do people think when they see your life in response to Christ? Since the Church is the Bride of Christ we are very much connected to Him. I know we as sinful mankind can never truly deserve Christ's love but are we a cheating girlfriend? Who or what are we putting in front of our Lord? When non-believers see our lives are they intrigued or disappointed that we can't live what we preach? Lord- give me the endurance to keep my walk pure and worthy of You in this sinful world!

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Hello All! Sorry its been so long- I don't know where the last month went! :P Well Spring is here in Iowa! You wouldn't know it by the temperature.... but that's what they keep telling me! I only have one more month here at Emmaus before this summer! I'm kinda sad... I will really miss those that won't be coming back next fall! Well to catch y'all up on my life... the main event since I have posted was the Dubuque Chorale that I sing in had its performance. It was so much fun! We sang accompanied by the Dubuque Symphony- performing Beethoven's Ninth, a couple of Handel pieces, and a Haydn piece! SOOOO much fun!!! Well I haven't had time to take photos of spring yet... but when I get a chance I will! I will try to do a better job of blogging this month!!