Friday, February 1, 2008

Through a Glass Clearly

This one makes you think.......

Blessings All Mine with 10,000 Besides by Frederick L. Kosin

According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death. Phillipians 1:20

"For thoses with failing eyesight, a magnifying glass is a constant companion. What a blessing to put one in front of the list of Joneses in the telephone book and actually be able to pick out the right one! A magnifying glass makes what is invisible (or unreadable) to the naked eye visible. Christ, who is invisible to the world's eye, is waiting for us to "put ourselves in front of" Him so others can "read" Him. Christ is in us, and our body and life is the glass that God uses to make Him known to the world around us. My behavior stands between Christ and the world's eyes. Just as we pick up a magnifying glass to look at something closely, so the world "picks us up," places us in front of Christ, and reads Him in terms of our lives. As a believer with Christ resident in my body, I am always giving the world a view of Christ. It may not be what He wants or is pleased with, but it takes place nevertheless. Somethimes a magnifying glass neeeds to be cleaned so it can be more effective. Since Christ is in us and visible to the world, all we are and all we do should reveal or magnify Him. If we keep our behavior clean and put our lives in front of Him, the world will see Christ clearly. If our lives are dirty through unconfessed sin, our glass is dirty and the view the world has of Christ will be clouded. Many of us give a distorted view of Christ becaouse of the condition of the glass (our lives). For this reason, many are turned away from Christ as a result of what they see through us. We are, therefore, to be tools suitable and ready for the Master's use. The blessing is that Christ lives in us and has chosen us to be the "magnifying glasses" the world uses to get to know Him. "Christ will be magnified" says Paul. We do not need to pray for Him to use us! He is waiting for us to be used What a responsibliity! What an opportunity! This is the kind of responsibblitiy and opportunity no angel ever had."

1 comment:

the Hollingsworths said...

A neat concept! Interesting, too, that if the glass tries to make itself visible...etching, decoration, etc, it only serves to blur and distort the thing that the glass is there to magnify. May God give us grace to be rightly humbled so that He may be rightly magnified!
