Friday, January 11, 2008

Dying to Live

Here is some interesting reading- I'm not sure I completely agree with him but some of his points are very interesting.

Thoughts on Galatians 2:20

When Christ went back to heaven to sit at the right hand of God, He continued to limit Himself to human flesh as His personal revelation on earth. Although He is resident in glory now, He has chosen to live His life through the bodies and personalities of Gods' children. In the same way that, during His lifetime, Christ made the invisible Father visible, so now the absent Christ is made present and visible through the lives of believers. The key words for our meditation today are "Christ lives in me." It is easy to forget that Christ is a person who is real, living, feeling, thinking, acting, and working.

Many Scriptures remind us that when we believe in Jesus Christ for salvation, He comes to dwell in our lives. John 1:12 reads, "But as many as received Him (Christ), to them He gave the right to become children of God." Since Christ is in us, He is in us to "do His good will." He is resident in our lives to be a real, living, feeling, thinking, acting, working person. It is not possible to have only a part of Christ or to have only a portion of His mind, emotions or will. I have all of Christ Yet the question remains: Does Christ have all of me?

Crucifixion is a dramatic way of saying I must die to all my own efforts to save myself as well as to display a living Christ. He is waiting for me to admit that I cannot live His life in my own strength. He cannot and will not project His life through our lives without our surrendering all we are to Him for His use. This is why Paul says, "it is no longer I who live...""

The choice is ours. We can try to live the life of Christ in our own effort or we can die to our own energies and allow Christ to use our minds, emotions, and desires as means of making His resurrected life known through our human flesh.

excerpted from Blessings All Mine with 10,000 Besides! by Frederick L. Kosin