Friday, January 25, 2008

Lord, make me a sponge!

Just some quick thoughts the Lord blessed me with today in chapel when I should have been paying attention to the speaker...
It is my new goal to become a sponge- a common kitchen sponge. Sponges are absorbent- I want to soak in all the knowledge that God is sending my way. Sponges are known for being "holy"- I want to be know for Holiness. Sponges are mailable to fit in almost any shape. I want to be mailable to God's will and direction for my life. I don't want to be a moldy sponge though as it hasn't been used for a while. I want to be daily refreshed and wrung out and purged by God. Finally sponges are very multipurpose. They are used for cleaning and small children's craft/art projects and a multiple of uses. I want God to take me out of my rut and stretch me into whatever role He has for me. The list goes on and on- more to come when I have more time!

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